This year’s London MHD turned out really well. I’d like to echo Paul Lamere’s statement that it was the Perfect Music Hack Day. The attendance was high, atmosphere focused and the coffee + food were really good. Lots of great hacks emerged at various point during the 24 hrs and at the end 52 were presented. Special bingo points go to Becky, for organising the first MHD Bingo which was a big success. Here is a full list of all submitted hacks, and all presentations are available on youtube. Thanks to Martyn for organizing.

Below is a presentation of our collaboration with Owen, Jacob and Christian. BTLJMZ, a browser based music remixing/manipulation tool, is based around an idea of a feed which you can post your musical ideas to and have others create additions to or variations on, reposting to the feed and henceforth. There is a live demo at, which pulls in range of sounds from Soundcloud but reposting is not enabled.